Alan Neale


Very Fond Memories of Weddings Past – Philadelphia

For over twenty years marrying couples, preparing them for weddings and marriages, has been a important part of my ministry. Part of the delight in returning to Newport, RI is the opportunity to continue this precious, profound and fun ministry.

October 2012 Wedding i

October 2012 Wedding ii


Some choose to receive Communion, all desire to be blessed!


See the suit? Must be between Memorial Day and Labor Day!


October 2012 Wedding

Beautiful Ukranian Bride, Handsome Mexican Bridegroom and… rather hearty Englishman

Wedding CHT

Wedding CHTiiFirst photograph of two good friends and me seems all rather serious; much more authentic is the second photograph, this time with my beautiful wife – of course, that was the cause of the move from profound to fun!




December 2010MacKinney