Alan Neale

Writer • Speaker

True or False? Papal Presence or Papal Meddling?

So, rumor has it that the Pope met with Ms. David – he gave her a blessed rosary and urged her to “stay strong”. There are questions about the usefulness of the Pope entering into a “domestic squabble”. If the rumor is true the rosary gift and the words of encouragement indicate a dismissal of the reasonable objections to her actions or… they may indicate that, without condoning and approving what she has done, the Pope was affirming her as a beloved child of God. Um?                                                                                                                                                                        For me this continues to raise maybe a more important question. How do we ascertain the truth amidst rumor, suggestion and innuendo? The question is as important here as it is when reasonable minds really endeavor to ascertain the truth about, for example, the Planned Parenthood video.

The arduous task of discovering the truth