Alan Neale


So, how did you two meet?

It is without doubt one of the constant first questions I ask an engaged couple, “So, how did you two meet?”.

The responses can sometimes spur some little agitation as each person remembers the occasion slightly differently. This temporary hiccup is easily overcome by smiles, fond memories and (I remind them) even the Four Gospels are presenting four stories/perspectives of one event. When you think about it, this is yet another important relationship lesson hidden in the multitude of wedding questions. It’s important always to remember that no two people will see, feel, remember, reflect upon the same event in exactly the same way. Why would they? It’s all to do with personal experience and expectation.

I ask the question because it is always good for a partner to hear the 0ther speak with joy and love of their relationship’s history and beginnings.

But, above all I think, I ask because I hear constantly the miracle of so-called chance meetings, rendezvous by fate. The story below describes a most incredible juxtaposition of events that could easily have never taken place. Some will nominate this as a faceless and detached fate; to me it is the creative and purposeful working of divine love drawing together those most fitted for each other.

FB Glitch Works a Miracle of LoveCouple-married-after-meeting-due-to-facebook-glitch 1

The incredible story has gone viral since being shared by Schuler on Ending the story of their romance , he said: “I found my partner, my best friend, my great love via a simple glitch in social media. “There are awful things in this world, but sometimes there’s beauty, too. “This is my beauty.”


Towards the end of my first marriage, I was offered the job of chaplain at a Cambridge college – generally considered a most prestigious position. Though offered the same job several times, I declined because my first wife could not imagine living there. Because of this decision I moved to a country village where I met Wendy, my wonderful wife of 27 years. Now… what would have happened if I had accepted the Cambridge job? I believe with daring courage that I still would have met Wendy somewhere, somehow, sometime. I just can’t contemplate the alternative.