Alan Neale

Writer • Speaker

Sermon “The Divine Confidence Artist”

Increasingly this theme of “confidence” has become important to me both as pastor and as preacher and as… person. Maybe it’s getting nearer to dying that prompts such reflection but I think it is more that I realize how crippled are by lack of confidence… and the awful things that occur on this frightening soil of “may be”.

A kind and thoughtful parishioner commented today, “Oh it must be good to have years of sermons from which you can make a choice Sunday by Sunday”. I quickly, I hope gently, disabused her. Today’s sermon is fresh, stories might not be, but the sermon is fresh for me; in fact with hardly any time the second half was radically altered between first and second service.

Sermon “The Divine Confidence Artist” – Alan Neale. 10/11/15