Alan Neale


John Wesley’s Questions – suitable for many relationships, not only divine



John Wesley (the ‘founder’ of Methodism) would ask church members to consider three questions about their relationship with God.



1.“How have you experienced prevenient grace?” This may sound theological goobledegook but it reflects upon one’s personal history from birth (maybe even pre-natal). The ways in which, the degrees to which, we have experienced grace (unexpected, unrequested – prevenient) make it easier or harder to experience/expect grace in all its forms and in all our relationships – both human and divine. Family history is important and is neglected at our cost, and the cost of our partners.commitment

2. “How did you come to rely upon Jesus for salvation?” or “What made you decide to follow Jesus?” The path to commitment and trust is generally not an easy one for we are trained to be self-sufficient and wary of too much dependence upon others – this is not the way to live healthy and functional lives. So, consider what made it possible for you to commit to another.

3. “How have you continued to experience God teaching and transforming you?” Here is the great challenge of all relationships. How to keep our connection with others fresh and… sparkling. Yes, it is possible.

Bottom line, it is a two-dimensional person who does not see the psychic connect between our human and divine relationships.

Wesley’s Three Questions

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