Over recent weeks there has been a constant flow of news that ISIS is, apparently without system or premeditation, destroying the historic symbols of an ancient nation, culture, ethos and religion. At first the response to this is “how could they wreak such barbaric and mindless destruction”, pummeling into oblivion beautiful and valuable markers of… Continue reading
Baptize/accept where possible; exorcise/discard rarely?
I find this rather fascinating. The practice once by our glorious Celtic Christian ancestors was to find pagan symbols, rites, places and then “baptize” them, make them Christian. This was not to deny their origin and meaning, not to denigrate and ignore the behavior of others but, in the name of the Holy, to include… Continue reading →
Let me tell you a story…
Aesop and the Power of Story Newly ordained and fresh from seminary, thirty seven years ago, I was foolish enough to believe that I had “the power”. The power to change, transform lives by the dry and arid sharing of theology. Such power, I then believed, would only be harmed by stories. Given all this… Continue reading →
Do I know you?
How beautifully simple! Only last night I was telling the most useful way of remembering names that I learned in US, but not in UK. You will know the technique… once introduced to someone used their name as often as possible in the conversation. Not so often as to appear a dullard and automaton, but… Continue reading →
Eye to Eye
Breaking the confines of iphone isolation This NYT article writes warmly of the days when address books, newspapers were touched, held, reviewed and seen by others. Even the very act of seeing a friend, a parent, was nourishment to the soul. Now we battle against what is both the panacea for lack of communication but… Continue reading →