The sermon text is below the sermon video. Click Here for Sermon Video: Sermon Preached at Zion Church, Washington NC; Sunday January 29th 2023 The Reverend Alan Neale; “Let’s sort this out” The Collect for today carries a phrase that always makes me think of a photograph I had seen years ago. The phrase?… Continue reading
Sermon “Oh, you’re welcome!”. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC. The Reverend Alan Neale. Sunday December 4th 2022
The sermon text is below the sermon video… Click Here for Sermon Video: Sermon preached at Zion Episcopal Church, Washington NC Sunday December 4th, 2022 The Reverend Alan Neale “Oh, you’re welcome!” Romans 15:7 “Welcome one another, as God in Christ has welcomed you to the glory of God.” Message Translation: “So reach out… Continue reading →
Sermon “Never, never, never… give up!” Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC. Sunday October 16th 2022. The Reverend Alan Neale
The sermon text is below the sermon video. I thought I knew this parable well (“The Indifferent Judge and the Importunate Widow”) but I was wrong and open to new light… such is the glory of God’s Holy Word. Click here: Sermon preached at Zion Church, Washington, NC; Sunday October 16th 2022 The Reverend… Continue reading →
“A Yawning Chasm!” Sermon Preached at Zion Episcopal Church, Washington NC. Sunday September 25 2022. The Reverend Alan Neale
Yet again, I concede that here is a Gospel passage (Luke 16:19-41; The Story of Dives and Lazarus) upon which I have never preached; I justify it by saying other Bible passages seemed to demand attention. So, here it is… I fear it could have been much, much longer and even now it pushes the… Continue reading →
Sermon “Hate! Really?” Sunday September 4 2022. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC 27889. The Reverend Alan Neale
Oh my, a challenging Scripture that I have not taken into the pulpit for 45 years! The text is below the sermon video… Click here for sermon video: Sermon Preached at Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC; Sunday September 4 2022 The Reverend Alan Neale ; “Hate… Really?!” For as many years as I can… Continue reading →
Sermon “Touch!” Sunday August 21, 2022. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC. The Reverend Alan Neale
The sermon text is below the sermon video. Click Here: Sermon preached at Zion Episcopal Church, Washington NC Sunday August 21 2022 The Reverend Alan Neale “Touch” There is an interactive computer game called “Please, Don’t Touch Anything”, described as a cryptic, brain-racking button-pushing simulation. In brief, “Covering for a colleague who is taking… Continue reading →
Sermon “Embrace Paradox”. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC. Sunday July 31st 2022. The Reverend Alan Neale
This sermon is an attempt to underline and emphasize what I believe to be an integral part, the integral part?, of the Christian life – embracing, living, paradox! John Hapgood, erstwhile Archbishop of York, wrote “Living by Paradox”. I believe it is impossible to be an authentic Anglican/Episcopalian without embracing paradox; in fact, I believe… Continue reading →
Sermon “No becomes Yes in God’s Hands”. Sunday July 24th 2022. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington, NC 27889. The Reverend Alan Neale
Once again, I find at Zion Church new experiences. This past Sunday I preached for the first time on Hosea 1:2-10, the passage that talks about Hosea and his promiscuous wife Gomer. There seemed to be so many themes drawing my attention, none least the theme that even our life experiences (good and not so… Continue reading →
Sermon “Freedom – A Precious Jewel” Sunday July 3rd 2022. Zion Episcopal Church, Washington NC. The Reverend Alan Neale
The text for the sermon is below the sermon video… Sermon preached at Zion Episcopal Church; Sunday July 3rd 2022 The Reverend Alan Neale; “Freedom – A Precious Jewel” Ignore my British accent, I live in a town named after the Commander of the Continental Army in the war of independence and… Continue reading →
Sermon “Vulnerability” Maundy Thursday, April 14, 2022. Zion Church, Washington, NC. The Reverend Alan Neale
The sermon text is below the sermon videos (one from my office, and the second in church) Sermon preached at Zion Church, Washington, NC; April 14 2022 (Maundy Thursday) The Reverend Alan Neale; Vulnerability – Excruciating or Exquisite Only recently I was talking with a member of the parish about Brene Brown…. Continue reading →