Alan Neale


A Wedding Pulsating with Gratitude! September 2016

It is, of course, well known that the course of true love does not run smoothly but neither does the course of most wedding preparations.

mk4This wonderful, authentic, positive couple (Marie and Keith) had to overcome various challenges as they prepared for their wedding day. The challenge that remained even within hours of the wedding was… “will the venue be completed and ready to receive us”.
The venue was approved for occupancy within a few hours of the wedding and then “all heaven broke loose” as the ballroom was prepared with haste yet skill, frantic yet professional to the smallest detail.


As planned the wedding itself was al fresco, enjoying the pleasant cool breeze of an otherwise sunny but humid day.  The water glistened behind us and geese occasionally “honked” their joy at what they observed. They also made a few other contributions, but enough said!


Marie and Keith, truly it was a joy to get to know you but especially to experience your gratitude despite challenges.