My joyful commitment to officiate at weddings/unions is as strong as ever and always is with a sense of privilege. I know, from personal reflection and the comments of others, that I am particularly gifted in pre-marital conversations. There is not only the task of preparing people for their wedding but also, when you think of it far more important, preparing people for their marriage.
I realize that such preparation will now take on an extra dimension as some of the conversations will be via email, ‘phone and skype as well as face-to-face conversations.
I am often asked, once the inventory/questionnaire is completed, “Well, did we pass?”. I tell you, there is truly no pass or fail. The inventory experience is there to celebrate the strengths and acknowledge areas where work needs to be done. This is definitely best done with the help of a facilitator/third-person, who is trusted, accessible, experienced and articulate; and, where possible, a facilitator who is ready to speak to an unexpected statement or revelation.
So, after much research I have found a relationship inventory that I believe to be a good basis and foundation for conversations.
If you want to know more, contact me for information about the process.