Alan Neale

Writer • Speaker

The PTWB Syndrone

Oh this syndrome is prevalent, so very prevalent.

It affects the lives of many and tends to ruin relationships as well as clothing.

Its symptoms are dirty hands, scattered detritus and often psychic conflict within the individual soul and between two otherwise well-disposed hearts.

Sorry, I need to unpack the acronym – Pesistently Tamped Waste Bins.

Do you recognize the ailment? Generally it is a kitchen trash can that seems full but to the busy and harried disposer also seems able to take one more piece of trash – so the bag is tamped down either before or after placement.

What happens then of cours is that the time comes inevitably when some poor soul has to remove the trash bag from the bin and then, often, all trash breaks loose.

It just so happened (yeah right!) that early Wednesday morning found me struggling with a trash bin; I had seen and heard the trash collection van getting near and I wanted it outside quickly.

Here’s the scene, without too many awful details – just up from bed and dressing gown adorned, the bag resists removal despite tugging and tugging and tugging. Then the bin is placed between my legs (thank goodness for the ‘cello playing years ago) and, eureka, the bag begins to rise and then it splits.

Pyschic conflict – oh yes?

Was it really Einstein who said, “Insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results”? Well, whoever said it this surely applies to PTWB syndrome.

I hope I can learn my lesson here; I definitely need to learn it in other situations!