Alan Neale

Weddings / Writer • Speaker

29th Wedding Anniversary – Alan and Wendy

TweWEN & AJRNnty Nine Years Ago today, my beloved Wendy and I were married – married by civil license in Eastbourne, East Sussex. Subsequently the wedding was blessed by our dear friend and guide, Bishop Peter Ball. Actually our marriage has had the resounding peal of blessing throughout all these years and before… and I know years to come.

Wendy is just so stellar at being elegantly and warmly creative; she is not responsible for my ongoing ‘foibles’ of character but Wendy (and God, a most powerful duo) is responsible for changes that have made me a more full-rounded, functional and hopeful soul.

She takes a house or an apartment and it becomes a welcoming, elegant, comfortable home. At our Tenth Wedding Anniversary I spoke about the constant refrain on my lips “How does she do that?”; nineteen years on the refrain is still constant in my mind and I have no doubt will continue with charm and style and warmth for many, many, many years to come.

ajrn & wen infinity loveWe have traveled many miles from Eastbourne, UK to South Dakota to Newport and Middletown to Philadelphia and now back in our own home in Middletown, Rhode Island. But the journey emotionally has been far more intense and extensive; she has persevered with hope and light through many a trauma, many of which has been caused by me. She has not wavered, she has not faltered… I ask myself, how can I be loved by such a glorious woman and the question will be asked forever.



Today was quiet, not interrupted by congratulations. The day was spent together, just living which is never really “just” anything with Wendy. I left for a pastoral conversation at noon and then enjoyed just “being time” with Wendy, Paxton (grandson) and Harry (dog). Paxton is definitely more mischievous than Harry.

And we heard that another grandson back in England will soon join his brother Elijah.

Anything, absolutely anything, to which Wendy “turns her hand” becomes a masterpiece (me excluded unless you count progress) – decorating, cartonnage, needlepoint, lace-making, entertaining, cuisine, interior design and there has been no practical challenge that she has not met with grace, persistence and success (me excluded unless you count progress.

Brava, Brava, Brava my darling Wendy… and next year our 30th!
